阴道激光澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 | Donaldson整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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激光阴道嫩肤术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市


多种疗法重振你的性生活 & 提高舒适度

你应该感到舒适. 你应该感到自信. 你值得拥有 感觉. At Donaldson整形外科, we offer two incredible 激光阴道嫩肤术 treatment options to help you live your best life once again. Each of these solutions addresses different concerns, but they are both safe and offer excellent results with minimal downtime or discomfort.




天后 is a revolutionary treatment designed to improve vaginal dryness, 刺激, 萎缩和性交疼痛. This quick, in-office laser procedure requires no sedation, no surgery and no downtime. 除了澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网阴道干燥, 感觉减退,轻度压力性尿失禁, 天后 can also amplify self-esteem and quality of life for many women by improving sexual function.



天后’s greatest strength is its ability to boost moisture production, 增加愉悦的刺激/敏感性, decreased incontinence and tighten the vaginal walls. Potential candidates include women who have had children, 是绝经前还是绝经后, 或者经历过性功能减退.

This in-office procedure takes three to five minutes, produces little to no discomfort and is performed under local anesthesia. Most patients notice positive differences after only a single treatment, 但是为了达到最佳效果, 建议每隔一个月进行三次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. So far, no adverse events have been reported across all global devices.


天后Tyte:增强外观 & 函数

阴道松弛可以有几种形式, including deflation or thinning of the labia majora (outer lips). 分娩, age and genetics may all lead to this concern in which a lack of tone changes the look and 感觉 of the vagina, lowers self-confidence and compromises a happy sexual life. 天后Tyte laser tightening addresses all of these concerns without surgery, 疼痛, 停机时间或侵入性.


The Additional Benefits of 天后Tyte 激光澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网

Many of our patients have also reported greater comfort during exercise after choosing 天后Tyte. This is an excellent solution for women who are working through physical discomfort and diminished self-confidence, 但还没准备好接受手术.

天后Tyte uses Broad Band Light (BBL) technology to safely heat tissue around the vaginal opening. This controlled heat energy stimulates the natural healing process of the body to create new collagen, which results in firmness and tightening of the skin. Treatment plans typically consist of 3 – 6 treatments, 每隔两周服用一次可达到最佳效果.

注意: 天后Tyte can be used to help treat mild Stress Incontinence. It does not treat Urgency, 功能 or Overflow Incontinence.



天后Tyte可以很容易地与 天后, the world’s first Hybrid Fractional Laser (HFL) treatment for rejuvenating the inner vaginal canal. This combined treatment (天后Tyte + 天后) treats laxity and mild stress incontinence, 提高润滑, improves sensation and creates a more youthful appearance. 阴道整型的 may also be considered for the reduction of extra hanging tissue of the labia minora (inner lips).

Stretching from vaginal childbirth often causes these conditions, although women who have never had children may also enjoy the benefits of these treatments. 激光脱毛 通常提供最后的审美触感.


精致,善解人意 & 有效:考特尼·吉尔伯特明白了!

作为我们功能性医学团队的基石, Courtney is an exceptional 天后 laser treatment provider with an extensive background in urogynecology. Her genuine dedication to women’s health drives her commitment to assisting each patient in achieving their health and sexual wellness goals.

Courtney’s 天后 expertise is marked by precision and a deep understanding of the specific needs of her patients. 那看起来像什么? She gets to know you, the woman — your goals, your discomforts and how you want to 感觉. 通过她富有同情心的方式, she performs each treatment effectively and empowers women to progress toward optimal health and greater, 每天都幸福.


哥伦布的阴道复兴, 俄亥俄州已经走过了漫长的道路, especially with the introduction of cosmetic lasers. In the right hands, this advanced technology can restore self-esteem and revive your sensuality. We invite you to get in touch with us today and schedule your initial consultation to see which solution is best for you!

